How Chargezoom can Instantly Reduce your Processing Fees

You may have heard the term “Level 3 Processing” or “Level 3 Data“. While it does not sound exciting, what it can do may excite you. If you are looking for ways to reduce your processing costs and don’t want to hassle with changing your Merchant Processing service, then Chargezoom might be the solution for you.

First, what is Level 3 Processing?

Level 3 data is enhanced information about a transaction, such as tax, discount, and product details. Adding Level 3 data to a transaction generally reduces the rates charged by Visa and MasterCard for processing the transaction and it enhances the level of reporting available to you and your customers. Level 3 data may be added to any Visa or MasterCard sale that is currently pending settlement.

Sounds great right? How does Chargezoom help with this?

Chargezoom pre-populates hidden fields based on data already in the system. As noted above, things such as tax, product details, etc. are already stored, Chargezoom can automatically pass that data with no extra work.

To sum it up, using Chargezoom can help you save up to 1% on with your existing merchant processing.

While most gateways automatically support Level 3 data, some do not, be sure to ask your processor if they do. Level 3 processing reduces risks for them too, so they will be happy you asked!

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