Business Plan: how do I add a surcharge in the Online Payment Terminal?

You can choose to enable or disable surcharging in the Online Payment Terminal when you accept a payment.

Access the Online Payment Terminal any time by navigating to Payments, then Credit Card. On the Sale tab, you will see your Surcharging Percentage and a checkbox that has enabled surcharging.

If you do not want to apply a surcharge to this purchase, simply uncheck the box.

Next, select a customer from the drop-down list.

When a customer is selected, all of their open invoices will be displayed. You can choose to apply a full or partial payment to the invoice.

On the next screen, you will see that the invoice has been selected and the payment amount in the Amount section. 

The surcharge will be added after a credit card is entered. Chargezoom performs a real-time validation to confirm that the credit card being used is eligible to receive a surcharge. If it is permitted, the total will update to include the surcharge fee.