Why would I want to manually add customers to a subscription?

Chargezoom gives you the flexibility to build customized subscriptions and recurring plans for VIP customers.

The ability to customize and edit subscriptions gives you more control over your offerings and allows you to design recurring programs to meet all of your customers' needs.

Allowing customers to self-service saves you time and allows customers to select exactly what they need (learn how to set up self-service options here). But sometimes VIP customers need a little extra attention.

By manually enrolling a customer for a subscription, you can individually edit the details for their subscription including free trials, pro-rata billing, or billing dates.


In addition to adding products or services, you can also add discounts that apply to that customer's unique subscription.


💡 Did you know: you can develop as many different subscriptions as you need at any time? Learn more about why you may want multiple subscription types here: https://chargezoom.com/knowledge/why-do-i-need-multiple-subscription-templates