Process payments faster

Your records in sync

Your customer records are always in sync and up-to-date. Changes made in Chargezoom instantly reflect in your accounting package with no extra effort.

Hands-free reconciliation

Every payment is immediately reconciled with GAAP compliance in QuickBooks, FreshBooks, or Xero.

Pick your processor

Use one or many payment processors to ensure you always get the lowest rate. Chargezoom’s patent-pending technology can help reduce rates an additional 33%.

One platform for all your billing and payments

Eliminate the need to move your data to another website for processing. Ditch the CSV files and manual data entry. All of your invoices are instantly sync’d and ready for payment.

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Get paid instantly

Invoices with “pay now” links can reduce the time to get paid by 70%, with many paid instantly.

Allowing customers to choose the payment method they prefer removes obstacles and speeds the payment process.

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Ease your workload and let customers help themselves

Giving customers 24/7 access to your self-service portal allows them to answer their own questions. They can review past and present invoices, update payment methods, and more.

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Accept credit cards at no cost to you

Be confident: with compliant, integrated surcharging you can capture surcharge fees from eligible customers on every transaction.

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Security compliance without the cost

Our PCI-compliant vault ensures that your customer data is protected at the highest level and eliminates the need to build and certify your own encrypted vault.

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Expand your business: no tech skills required

Design and implement fully automated recurring invoicing and payments from directly inside your all-in-one platform. Our simple interface will have you building your revenue stream in no time.
